
Portraits: Friedrich des Zweiten Ankunft im Elisium

Friedrich des Zweiten Ankunft im Elisium

(Allen wahren verehrern dieses grossen Monarchen gewidmet von Johann Andreas Kunze)

Frederick the Great of Prussia arrives in Elysium shortly after his death and meets his own ancestors and other historic personalities such as Plato, Alexander the Great, Ceasar, Louis XVI., Friedrich Wilhelm von Seydlitz, Hans-Joachim von Zieten, while Charon (Fährmann des Hades) in his boat on the paradisiacal side of the Styx , looks curiously on the high ranking assembly.

Copper etching by Bartholomaeus Huebner after the drawing by G.W. Hoffmann.

Dated: Basel, 1788.

Nearly flawless. Wide margins.

38 x 51 cm (15 x 20″)
Friedrich (Preußen, König, 2, der Große)
Friedrich Wilhelm (Preußen, König, 1)
Friedrich (Preußen, König, 1)
Friedrich Wilhelm (Brandenburg, Kurfürst, der Große Kurfürst)
Georg Wilhelm (Brandenburg, Kurfürst)
Johann Sigismund (Brandenburg, Kurfürst)
Johann Georg (Brandenburg, Kurfürst)
Joachim (Brandenburg, Kurfürst, 2, Hektor)
Joachim (Brandenburg, Kurfürst, 1, Nestor)
Albrecht Achilles (Brandenburg, Kurfürst)
Friedrich (Brandenburg, Kurfürst, 2)
Friedrich (Brandenburg, Kurfürst, 1)
Tassilo (Bayern, Herzog, 3)
Heinrich (England, König, 4)
Ludwig (Frankreich, König, 14, Der Sonnenkönig)
Karl (Schweden, König, 12)
Hans Joachim von Zieten
Friedrich Wilhelm Seydlitz (Freiherr)
Kurd Christoph Schwerin (Graf)
Königsseele; afterworld; deity; river; boundary between Earth and the Underworld; Kharon; ferryman of Hades; souls; newly deceased; rites of burial, living; dead;


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